Wrapping up

Congrats, you’re done with the Basic Tutorial!


You learned how to:

  • Create experiments and trials on the PCIbex Farm
  • Use multimedia and interactive elements
  • Manipulate elements with commands
  • Combine interactive elements
  • Change elements visually
  • Set trial-wide commands with default objects
  • Log experimental data
Click to see the final experiment script
// Type code below this line.

// Remove command prefix

// Turn off debugger

// Instructions
    newText("instructions-1", "Welcome!")
    newText("instructions-2", "<p>In this experiment, you will hear and read a sentence, and see two images.</p>")
    newText("instructions-3", "<b>Select the image that better matches the sentence:</b>")
    newText("instructions-4", "<p>Press the <b>F</b> key to select the image on the left.<br>Press the <b>J</b> key to select the image on the right.</p>")
    newButton("wait", "Click to start the experiment")

// Experimental trial
    newAudio("fish-audio", "2fishRoundTank.mp3")
    newText("fish-sentence", "The fish swim in a tank which is perfectly round.")
    newImage("fish-plural", "2fishRoundTank.png")
        .size(200, 200)
    newImage("fish-singular", "1fishSquareTank.png")
        .size(200, 200)
    newCanvas("side-by-side", 450,200)
        .add(  0, 0, getImage("fish-plural"))
        .add(250, 0, getImage("fish-singular"))
    newKey("keypress", "FJ")

Next steps

Now that you’ve learned the basics of PennController, we recommend reading the Advanced Tutorial, where you’ll learn how to do things like:

  • Create a trial template and use tables.
  • Implement a trial timeout and trial delay.
  • Manipulate content with CSS styles.
  • Randomize experimental item order.
  • Control group assignment.
  • Create obligatory checkboxes and global variables.
  • Examine PennController results files.

You can also jump right in and start creating your own experiments. If you have questions, visit the Troubleshooting page, check out our How-to guides, or post a question on our support forum.