Create your own element type

As of version 1.9, PennController has 21 element types. While they come as precompiled in PennController.js, each element type can actually be defined independently thanks to the command PennController._AddElementType. If you browse PennController’s source code, you will notice that each element type has its own definition file, and all those definition files use PennController._AddElementType.

This page is meant to give you the conceptual and technical tools to create your own element type, so you can extend PennController with new features as you will.

Description of _AddElementType

Any call to _AddElementType should follow the following template. Note that NAME should be an UpperCamelCase string naming the element type, which will be used in the newName/getName commands. [ARGUMENTS] indifferently stands for a single or a series of comma-separated optional arguments.

PennController._AddElementType( NAME , function(PennEngine) {

  this.immediate = function(id, [ARGUMENTS]){
    // this is executed when the experiment page opens
    // id and ARGUMENTS refer to the arguments of newNAME

  this.uponCreation = function(resolve){
    // this is executed when the trial's script reaches newNAME

  this.end = function(){
    // this is executed just before the trial ends

  this.value = function(){
    // this should return a representation of the element's value
  this.actions = {
    ACTION_NAME: function(resolve, [ARGUMENTS]){
      // this is executed when the script reaches the command .ACTION_NAME([ARGUMENTS])
    // etc.

  this.test = {
    TEST_NAME: function([ARGUMENTS]){
      // this is executed when the script reaches the test command .test.TEST_NAME([ARGUMENTS])
      // this should return true or false
    // etc.

Illustration of timeline execution

Let us illustrate how each part of an _AddElementType command is executed by looking at the case of a simple Text element:

  newText("instructions", "Please enter your name below:")
  newTextInput("name", "").print().wait().remove(),
    .text( getVar("inputName") )
    .test.text( "Jeremy" )
    .success( getText("instructions").color("green") )
    .failure( getText("instructions").color("red") )
  1. When the experiment page opens, the immediate function of the Text element type is executed with the arguments "instructions" (pointed at by id) and "Please enter your name below:" (single member of [ARGUMENTS]).

  2. When the trial is run, the first command to be executed is the newText command. At that point, the uponCreation function of the Text element type is executed, and releases the script execution to move to the next command after it calls resolve.

  3. The next command is unfold, called on that same Text element: the function unfold referenced in the this.actions object is executed, with 1000 in place of [ARGUMENTS] above. It releases the script execution to move to the next command after it calls resolve.

  4. The script eventually reaches getText("instructions"), which in and of itself executes no part of the code in _AddElementType. When the script reaches .text, it executes the function text referenced in the this.actions object, with getVar("inputName") as the sole member of [ARGUMENTS], which PennController automatically replaces with the corresponding value (in this case, what the participant typed in the TextInput element). It releases the script execution to move to the next command after it calls resolve.

  5. Then the script reaches .test.text( "Jeremy" ) and executes the function text referenced in the this.test object. This function does not put the execution on hold, and immediately returns true or false, which calls the command(s) passed to the corresponding (and optional) success or failure command, respectively.

  6. Depending on what the participant typed, the script will either reach getText("instructions").color("green") or getText("instructions").color("red")

  7. When the script reaches the end of the trial, it calls the end function of their corresponding type on all the elements contained in the trial, including the Text element named instructions.


Create a new file named PennElement_background.js in your Modules folder, and paste the following code:

PennController._AddElementType( "Background" , function(PennEngine) {
  this.immediate = function(id, initialColor){
    this._color = initialColor;
    this._defaultColor = $("html").css("background-color");
  this.uponCreation = function(resolve){
    if (typeof this._color == "string"){
      $("body").css({transition: "background-color 2s", "background-color": this._color});
      setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
  this.end = function(){
    $("body").css({transition: "none", "background-color": this._defaultColor});
  this.value = function(){
    return this._color;
  this.actions = {
    color: function(resolve, color){
      this._color = color;
      if (typeof this._color == "string"){
        $("body").css("background-color", this._color);
        setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
  this.test = {
    color: function(color){
      return this._color == color;

Now you can manipulate Background elements in your experiment! Try adding this trial to your project’s main.js file:

@    newButton("Start").print().wait().remove()
@    ,
$    newBackground("myBackground", "lightblue")
@    ,
@    newText("Change background color to:").print()
@    ,
@    newTextInput("color", "").print()
@    ,
@    newButton("Apply").callback(
@        newVar("newColor")
@        ,
@        getTextInput("color").setVar("newColor").disable()
@        ,
$        getBackground("myBackground").color(getVar("newColor"))
@        ,
@        getTextInput("color").enable()
@    ).print()
@    ,
@    newButton("Validate")
@        .print()
@        .wait(
$            getBackground("myBackground")
$                .test.color("pink")
$                .failure( newText("Sorry, you got the wrong color").print() )
@        )

The background color will turn light blue after a click on Start, and to whatever color is typed into the color TextInput element upon click on Apply. Clicks on the Validate button will only end the trial if the background color is pink, and starting with the next trial, the background color will go back to what it was before clicking on Start.

The PennEngine object

To be written (.Element.standardCommands, .controllers, etc.)

The element object

To be written (this.jQueryElement, this.jQueryContainer, etc.)