Adding a command

Adding an element command

  1. Create a new MD (Markdown) file in the appropriate folder.
  2. Name the MD file.
    • If the command is a standard command, name the file standard-<COMMAND_NAME>.md. For example, and
    • If the command is an element-specific command, name the file <ELEMENT_TYPE>-<COMMAND_NAME>.md. For example, and
  3. Include the title, command_type, syntax, and description YAML tags.

     title: <ELEMENT_TYPE>.<COMMAND_NAME> or standard.<COMMAND_NAME>
     command_type: "action" or "test"
     syntax: .<COMMAND_NAME>()
     description: Describe the command in present tense.

    Example - Part of the audio.disable front matter:

     title: audio.disable
     command_type: action
     syntax: .disable()
     description: Disables the audio player interface controls.
  4. If the command is a standard command, add the relevant_elements tag, an array of PennController elements that are relevant to the command.

    Example - Part of the standard.disable front matter:

     title: standard.disable
     command_type: action
     relevant_elements: [Audio, Button, Controller, DropDown, Key, MediaRecorder, Scale, Selector, TextInput, Timer, Tooltip, Video, Youtube]
     syntax: .disable()
     description: Disables any interactive feature of the element.
  5. Optional: Add any relevant YAML tags, following the recommended YAML tag order.
    • parameters: Obligatory parameters.
    • alternates: Command alternates. The term “alternate” refers to an optional parameter that must be called by itself.
    • notes: If true, creates a Notes section from the page excerpt.
    • related: Related commands.
    • since: The PennController version in which the command was released.

    Example - The complete front matter for audio.disable:

     title: audio.disable
     command_type: action
     syntax: .disable()
     description: Disables the audio player interface controls.
       - name: OPACITY
         type: float from 0.01 to 1
         description: Prints a rectangular layer of specified value onto the audio player interface, where `0.01` is white and `1` is dark grey.
     notes: true
       - name: standard.disable
         collection: standard-element-commands
  6. Write an example.
    • Do not include a call to PennController.ResetPrefix(null).
    • Include any elements or commands that are necessary for the command to work or display properly.

      For example, the first example for audio.disable includes a call to standard.print,, and audio.wait because the effects of audio.disable are otherwise not visible:

      newAudio("sentence", "test.mp3")
    • Highlight the line in which the command is called.

      Example - Code for the first audio.disable example:

      <pre><code class="language-diff-javascript diff-highlight">
      @newAudio("sentence", "test.mp3")
      @    .print()
      $    .disable()
      @    .play()
      @    .wait()
    • Include a description and/or explanation of the code example as an unordered list item.

      Example - Description for the first audio.disable example:

      <pre><code class="language-diff-javascript diff-highlight">
      @newAudio("sentence", "test.mp3")
      @    .print()
      @    .play()
      @    .wait()
      $    .disable()
      + Prints a disabled audio player interface and then plays the file
    • Optional: Include additional examples if you think they will be helpful.
  7. If the command has any alternates, include an example for each alternate. If there are multiple examples, precede each example with a comment // Example N:.

    Example - The audio.disable command has three examples:

     <pre><code class="language-diff-javascript diff-highlight">
     @// Example 1:
     @newAudio("sentence", "test.mp3")
     @    .print()
     $    .disable()
     @    .play()
     @    .wait()
     @// Example 2:
     @newAudio("sentence", "test.mp3")
     @    .print()
     $    .disable(0.01)
     @    .play()
     @    .wait()
     @// Example 3:
     @newAudio("sentence", "test.mp3")
     @    .print()
     @    .wait()
     $    .disable()
     + Example 1: Prints a disabled audio player interface and then plays the file
     + Example 2: Prints a disabed audio player interface and then plays the file
     *`test.mp3`*. The disabled audio player is displayed as a solid white rectangle.
     + Example 3: Prints an audio player interface but does not play it; the participant
     must click the play button to start audio playback. After audio playback finishes,
     the audio player interface is disabled.

Adding a global command

  1. Create a new MD file in the reference/_global-commands/ folder.
  2. Name the MD file <COMMAND_NAME>.md, without including the PennController. prefix. For example, and
  3. Include the title, syntax, and description YAML tags.

     title: <COMMAND_NAME>
     syntax: <COMMAND_NAME>()
     description: Describe the command in present tense.

    Example - Part of the AddHost front matter:

     title: AddHost
     syntax: AddHost()
     description: Specifies a host URL to use as a source file for when calling creating a new `Audio`, `Image`, or `Video` element. The `URL` argument must end in `"/"`.
  4. Optional: Add any relevant YAML tags, following the recommended YAML tag order.
    • parameters: Obligatory parameters.
    • alternates: Command alternates. The term “alternate” refers to an optional parameter that must be called by itself.
    • methods: To be filled in
    • notes: If true, creates a Notes section from the page excerpt.
    • related: Related commands.
    • since: The PennController version in which the command was released.

    Example - The complete front matter for AddHost:

     title: AddHost
     syntax: AddHost()
       - name: URL
         type: string
         description: A URL.
     description: Specifies a host URL to use as a source file for when calling creating a new `Audio`, `Image`, or `Video` element. The `URL` argument must end in `"/"`.
     notes: true
  5. Write an example.
    • Do not include a call to PennController.ResetPrefix(null).
    • Include any elements or commands that are necessary for the command to work or display properly.
    • Highlight the line in which the command is called.
    • Include a description and/or explanation of the code example as an unordered list item.
    • Optional: Include additional examples if you think they will be helpful.
  6. To be filled in

Adding a special command

  1. Create a new MD file in the reference/special-commands/ folder.
  2. Name the MD file <COMMAND_NAME>.md. For example, and
  3. Include the title, syntax, and description YAML tags.

     title: <COMMAND_NAME>
     syntax: <COMMAND_NAME>()
     description: Describe the command in present tense.

    Example - The clear front matter:

     title: clear
     syntax: clear()
     description: Removes from the screen any element that was previously added during the trial.
  4. Optional: Add any relevant YAML tags, following the recommended YAML tag order.
    • notes: If true, creates a Notes section from the page excerpt.
    • related: Related commands.
    • since: The PennController version in which the command was released.
  5. Write an example.
    • Do not include a call to PennController.ResetPrefix(null).
    • Include any elements or commands that are necessary for the command to work or display properly.
    • Highlight the line in which the command is called.
    • Include a description and/or explanation of the code example as an unordered list item.
    • Optional: Include additional examples if you think they will be helpful.
  6. To be filled in

Optional YAML tags


A list of obligatory command parameters.

  - name: <PARAMETER_1>
    type: (optional, can be omitted)
    description: Describe the parameter in present tense. You can use Markdown syntax,
    like backticks (`) for code font.
  - name: <PARAMETER_2>
    type: (optional, can be omitted)
    description: Describe the parameter in present tense.

Example - The standard.css command has two parameters:

  - name: CSS_PROPERTY
    type: string
    description: To be filled in
  - name: VALUE
    type: string
    description: To be filled in


A list of command alternates. The term “alternate” describes an optional parameter that must be called by itself.

  - name: <ALTERNATE_1>
    type: (optional)
    description: Describe the parameter in present tense. You can use Markdown syntax,
    like backticks (`) for code font.
  - name: <ALTERNATE_2>
    type: (optional)
    description: Describe the parameter in present tense. You can use Markdown syntax,
    like backticks (`) for code font.

Example - The standard.css command has one alternate:

    type: array
    description: 'Apply multiple CSS properties at once by passing an array of property-value pairs in the format `{CSS_PROPERTY_1: VALUE_1, CSS_PROPERTY_2: VALUE_2}`'

An important distinction between the parameters and alternates tags is that alternates must be called by themselves.

For example, the audio.wait command arguments "first" and TEST_COMMAND must be called separately: you can call .wait("first") or .wait(TEST_COMMAND), but not .wait("first", TEST_COMMAND).

Therefore, they are listed under the alternates tag, and not the parameters tag:

  - name: '"first"'
    description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  - name: TEST_COMMAND
    type: test command
    description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


To be filled in.


To create a Notes section, add the notes: true tag.

If you create a Notes section, you must include the excerpt seperator <!--more-->. The content in the Notes section is taken from the command page’s excerpt, the content that precedes the excerpt seperator. Everything below the excerpt seperator is included in the Example section.

Example: The audio.disable command has a notes section:

+ Some browsers display disabled interfaces as a plain gray rectangle.


<pre><code class="language-diff-javascript diff-highlight">
@// Example 1:
@newAudio("sentence", "test.mp3")
@    .print()
$    .disable()
@    .play()
@    .wait()
@// Example 2:
@newAudio("sentence", "test.mp3")
@    .print()
$    .disable(0.01)
@    .play()
@    .wait()
@// Example 3:
@newAudio("sentence", "test.mp3")
@    .print()
@    .wait()
$    .disable()

+ Example 1: Prints a disabled audio player interface and then plays the file
+ Example 2: Prints a disabed audio player interface and then plays the file
*`test.mp3`*. The disabled audio player is displayed as a solid white rectangle.
+ Example 3: Prints an audio player interface but does not play it; the participant
must click the play button to start audio playback. After audio playback finishes,
the audio player interface is disabled.

A list of related commands.

  - name: <RELATED_COMMAND_1>


  - name: standard.before
    collection: standard-element-commands


States the PennController version in which the command was released.

YAML tag order

YAML tags should be in the following order:

  - name:
  - name:
  - syntax:
  - name: