

Tells to add a line in the results file each time an event happens. If you do not specify which event you want to log, all of them will add a line to the results file.




  • getVideo(ELEMENT_NAME).log("play")

  • getVideo(ELEMENT_NAME).log("pause")

  • getVideo(ELEMENT_NAME).log("end")

  • getVideo(ELEMENT_NAME).log("seek")


  • “play” adds a line including a timestamp and an offset, as the playing is sometimes detected only after a delay. You can compute the actual timestamp for when some sound started to be emitted by subtracting the offset from the timestamp.

  • “pause” and “end” add lines of the same format for the respective events. “seek” adds a line when the progress bar is clicked (visible if the controls are displayed, see the action print).


@newText("instructions", "Please watch the video below")
@    .print()
@newVideo("scene", "test_scene.mp4")
@    .once()
$    .log()
@    .print()
@    .wait()
@newButton("validation", "Validate")
@    .print()
@    .wait()
  • Adds some instruction text to the screen and control buttons below the text. After the video gets played, the control buttons are grayed out, and a Validate button appears below them.

  • The results file will contain as many lines for when the video was played, paused, when it ended playing and when its position was changed by clicking the progress bar.